Dittmar, Helga, and Sarah Howard. "Thin-Ideal Internalization and Social
Comparison Tendency as Moderators of Media Models' Impact on Women's
Body-Focused Anxiety." Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 23.6 (2004): 768-91. Web. 7 May 2013.
This scholarly journal goes into depth on how women compare themselves to these extremely thin models they see in the media. By comparing themselves to such an unrealistic body image that society has deemed 'beautiful' to cause 'body anxiety' and or depression. In this journal there was a case study done to show the effects of normal women exposed to different types of body images and there reaction which classified them to either to internalize differences in their body to what the media portrays or to make social comparisons to these thin models shown in the media. The study finds that the negative reactions to the thin models in correlation to their own bodies out weight the positive reaction to the average sized models.
Enayati, Amanda. "Facebook: The Encyclopedia of Beauty?" CNN. Cable News Network, 16 Mar. 2012. Web. 08 May 2013.
This article published by CNN delves into social networking sites, specifically Facebook, and how they cause girls of all ages to constantly compare themselves to others. This causing anxiety, and depression which often in these cases leads to eating disorders. The story is about Amanda Coleman, a college student and head of her sorority, who began to notice alarming unhappiness as well as changes in the girls around her. All of this unhappiness and insecurity would stem from Facebook she told CNN where girls would compare their body's, popularity, etc to other girls on the social networking cite. This was such an extreme that pro-eating disorder groups began forming to support each other in not eating so that they might be able to attain the body image they desired based on what they saw in others on the site. The article also offers insight into the popularity of eating disorders and how common they have really become. From support groups for eating disorders to those in the spot light such as Miss America opening up about it, this is a cultural problem. Coleman opted to delete her facebook to remove herself from such negativity.
So that you can get the credit you deserve on the third quarter, make sure that you post the annotated bibliography (research) for your formal paper by Friday. You have a good start on exploring the topic that you want to write about in your "change" post, so now try to use Cabrillo's databases to build your logos (and ethos) on this topic. I also have many links on my website that I can share with you depending on what you are looking for. Thanks!